financially I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T

twenty minutes to go

and the confusin has taken me into this mood : blank-minded!!

lately, i felt i was a useless person (again...). but now i know, i'm useful,, setidaknya untuk diriku n keluargaku. say, i have finished my study so ga mbingungi ortu lagi. then, i can earn my own money; i'm workin' as secretary plus i'm teaching english privately + sometimes i have translation project..

i have a target = FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT (bahasa kerennya, ga minta duit sm ortu lagi.. yes!!)
my salary isn't that much to live in this ressession era.. it's hard.. but i have to fight.. yaa sebenarnya ortu masih mensubsidi, but not as much as i got when i was a student. alhamdulillah, so far, my financial condition is stable. even i can save some money (just in a small amount).. and figuring out that i won't be worker forever, i start to think of business. masih dalam angan2 siy..

kalo dirinci, targetku lagi banyak2nya..
...kuL la9i...
...kursus coreL & page maker...
...mulai blogging (uda.. dikit..)
...ngumpuLin modaL buat muLai bisnis)
...kuRsus SPSS...
...kursus mandarin...

dan tentu saja sambil te2p kerj n ngajar privat (pfiuh......)

i believe i can do all of those damn things since i'm a wonder woman ^^

kayaknya mulai next month, my life is going to be totally hectic... i just can't imagine it... but i like my life when it has no spare time to think of useless things.. cuz i don't want to be useless person..

and i'm planning to re-arrange my plans,, this weekend,, but i'm not sure i'll have enough time.. cuz i still get other things to do in Saturday n sunday (even on weekend, i'm 'working').. but, when you choose a job choose the one you like the most and you won't feel like working... here i am... i ahve a great jobs as secretary n private teacher,, and b'cuz i love them, i don't feel like working.. i fell like i'm going to do another fun thing each minute in my days.. isn't that amazing?

back to financially independent, pengennya siy bisa bayar uang kul magister pake gaji sendiri.. yaaa jadi berapa cicilan ga masalah.. it's giving me a deep pleasure than just going to school with my parents' money.. rite??

have a great weekend ^___^

27 feb 09

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