First siTe in Indonesia to successfully screen a paTienT ^^

this is my posting in Fs..

5 feb 09

Today I’ve found something miserable about my life : that I have no spare time for my own activity.. I have almost 0 minute to do something that has no relation with working matters or future matters. No doubt!! When I checked the scale of my workaholic madness, I was not shocked to see the result. Well, as it can predicted, the result : “hamper terjerumus dalam lubang kesuper sibukkan”.. =P

So, if my activities now can be mentioned as workaholic craziness, then, what will it be in the next month, when I have to enter classes for my master degree?? (maybe I should ‘sigh’ all over time but it won’t overcome my overload tasks,, it’s just be the barrier to keep my spirit..

In last two days, my life was hectic, cuz I had totally new jobs to handle and accomplish. The new research I handle now arrived in the screening step, which demands me to get busy with anything related to screening process.

Mulai dari contact pasien, mastiin jadwal dokter untuk menandatangani ICF & BILAG assessment, daftarin pasien untuk jadi pasien penelitian, mastikan setiap proses ga ada yg terlewat mpe nenteng2 kantong urin 24 jam dari ruang endoskopi ke Lab sentral =P
But, it’s fun anyway.. it’s true.. it’s fun!! Even if I can be honest, I do love this job. Bisa ketemu banyak orang-orang baru, dapat ilmu baru, pengalaman baru dan bikin aku lebih mensyukuri hidup.

And fortunately, my hectic days was appreciated and not in vain because my site for the research (RSSA) was the first site in Indonesia to screen patient, isn’t great? It makes me proud, and of course all study team (doctors, nurses, and lab analysts) also proud of this success =)

Sore ini aku baru aja nyelesaikan tugas2ku.
Besok masih ada other jobs to do,, can I?
Of course I can!!! =))
I’m sure I can!!!

Malang, 5 Feb 09

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