maNic morNing (oLd enTry to re-reaD)

i've posted this writing last year in Fs,, and someone complimented my writing talent.. (????).. so i publish it here, then i want to know your opinion bout it (is it true that i have writing talent??)

dimulai dari a week ago..
dunno what exactly has happenned to ME!!
absolutely have no idea….

starting from one week ago, i have no good mood to do anything.. is it because i’m exhausted?? well, i’m not sure and i dont really think so.i become so lazy. in the morning, actually i wake up at 5 but then i sleep again and then get up at 6. then, as you can predict, i get manic morning. such living in hell. i take a bath in a hurry. get dressed, prepare the things i need for the whole day also in a hurry!!dan sudah bukan keanehan juga kalo pada akhirnya aku tiba di sekolah di detik-detik terakhir menjelang masuk!kalo dulu,,pas awal2 masuk,sewaktu check-clock jam yang tercetak di kartu absensi is at around 6.30..but now,,it’s the opposite..jam check-clock slalu menunjukkan jam 6.43 or 6.44,,just 2 or 3 minutes before the red mark appears!!

besides,,i become so lazy in my life. jadi males berangkat ngelesi privat. for instance is today. last meeting, i’d changed the schedule of the private course. it should be on wednesday but i changed into TODAY. and what happen is I FEEL SO LAZY TO GIVE LESSON so i’ve told my students that this week’s meeting is postponed until next week. what a lazy teacher!sebenarnya i’m not proud of my condition. it’s embarassing indeed. but it seems i lose my light again…pfiuh…masih ada lagi ‘kemalasan’ku yang lain…males ngerjain skripsi..maybe it’s a classic story..being so lazy in doing thesis is normal (self-defence!!)karena pressumption itu, i almost never touch my thesis lately (almost one week). i’m too busy. really!! i ahve to go work in the morning until afternoon then i must teach private course until night. setelah itu, ngaji PPM. really feel the athmosphere of my room is at around 9 p.m

when i have those terrific days,,what else i can do beside taking rest, sleeping, or at least doing nothing special such as watching muvi or listenig to music. t’s such a refreshing time for me and i do need that.
maybe this is still “new” for me and i still need “more” time to adapt with this new life ^^
lately, i admit that i’m being so strange, i’m so lazy and i don’t have any purposes of life.but i have to “WAKE UP”,,rite?
any suggestion?

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