
a poem i wrote a few time ago.... enjoy =)

i hurt my heart by telling unworthy matters
i dunno…………….
it’s so unworthy compare to what i’ve had
no doubt!!

but somehow i just wanna make it clear this way

but somehow i just wanna relieve my pain inside

don’t judge me wrong

maybe i’m guilty

maybe i’m a betrayer

but i’m only ordinary human

i’m imperfect

please,,take me away from this terrible moment

i do wanna sob besides you
cry together with you
wipe your tears

the sToRy : MaLang…30 MareT ‘08 around 11 p.m tiLL dRop! (middLe of the niTe)
i just ruined them aLL..THEM : aLL loving feeLings from HIM..he hates me now
frankly,,i stiLL LOVE him!! but if i ‘faLL’ for someone eLse,,i never ask for it,,it just happens!!!

can you 4give me?
just for you know,,you are the best that i’ve ever had..it’s true!!!
but stiLL,,i dunno what to do
forgive me…………………………………………………………

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