simple story bout my "early" saturday

my saturday... just lay weakly in my usual bed..
what a pity..
sebenernya sabtu bukan a total off day.. never been that way.. i even can't imagine having total off day a whole day.. seems scary, rite?? :D
dan hari sabtuku kali ini dimulai dengan bangun kesiangan jam 6, dengan kondisi tubuh remuk redam seperti digebukin orang sekampung. kepala sedeng sebelah. mata cenut-cenut. perut lapar (ini sich lumrah!!). bukan bermaksud complaining, but just tell what i experience early today.
ternyata adalah suatu kesalahan membiarkan rasa remuk redam ini menguasaiku. a big n fatal mistake. karena yang terjadi berikutnya, aku hanya gulung-gulung di kasur sampai jam 8 n do nothing!! all my plannings were ruined!! what a forkin' decision to just being conquered by this tiring body. i know i'm tired. i know my limitation. but this is not the rite time to stop battling yet.
in short, aku harus bergerak. dengan sedikit sedeng dan lunglai, aku mulai beres2 kamar.. oh kamarku.. yang baunya menjadi full of baygon fragrance gini gara2 my big enemy yang gag pamitan dulu nylonong masuk kamarku.. hummp.. forget it!!
lanjuuuuttt... setelah bersih dan tertata rapi.. kegiatan mengepel pun dimulai. whehehe.. alhamdulillah mulai rajin ngepel kamar.. dan kamarku pun jadi semakin menyenangkan saja dan mendatangkan banyak inspirasi hidup :P
well, after mopping the floor, looking at watch n just realizing that it's already 10 a.m.. it means a cup of coffee, soft music (this turn goes to owl city - fireflies) and a book to read (tuesdays with morrie - reread indeed).
instead of watchin' no good TV programs, i'd better re-read old collections of books n being accompanied by good music.. such cozy companion for perfect saturday.
dunno why, cleaning my room n having "perfect" starting breakfast simply brightens my saturday morning.
so guys.. the point is, the spirit lies on you.. if you start your day "correctly", then amazingly you'll get your full tank of energy to pass the day with no bad mood.
say good bye to bad mood already!!
btw.. hoping this simple writing brings you a new mood for your day everyday
have a great n funtastic moments :)
and now i'm about to live my life.. same as you, rite??

Malang, 24 October 2009
10:40 a.m

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