no longer belong to them

baru saja melihat foto2 dari even yang diadain sama salah satu komunitas yang ku ikuti dan just realize that i don't belong to them anymore :)
perasaan ini bukan lah muncul begitu saja. hal utama yang mendasari : i almost have no time to attend any gathering. yup almost no free time.
aku yakin, dalam suatu fase kehidupannya, manusia harus terlepas dari satu tahapan dan beralih ke tahapan lain. berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. berjumpa dengan satu teman baru dan berpisah dengan teman lainnya. it called phase of life.

now i think.. leaving my times with this community isn't always bad. sometimes it means i'm already moving on.

though my physical existence is here, with them. but my fully attention & mind isn't belong here, but to my own radiant vision. egoistic one. but here i am now, thinking of my own future rather than others. cuz this is what i'm gonna do. this is not talkin' bout being selfish. instead, it's a must. it's one step ahead to maturity, to achieve our golden aims, reaching quarter phase of life.

just remember this guys, in life, some phases seem a bit scary to pass, but we have to. it feels bad at first, but then you just realize that it is just phase of life we can't avoid. it is something we will effort to immediately walk through and not look back. no regret. at last, we dare to stare the the past phase, and just say : "i no longer belong to them....."

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