spontaneous today

keruwetan jadwalku hari ini cukup (lumayan amat sangat) membuatku puyeng. jadwal semula seperti ini :
..wake up & ngulet2 di tempat tidur ;)
..prepare clothes to be brought to laundry service
..clean my room.. gambatte!!
..meet a friend
..attend "semalam suntuk" (sort of pengajian)
..prepare for tomorrow's event

unluckily, the schedule changed. this change happened for the unpredictable condition of my body & miscommunication betweem me n a friend of mine.
the schedule became :
..wake up & ngulet2 di tempat tidur tanpa henti karena badan remuk redam.. merely 3 hours actually ;P
..prepare clothes to be brought to laundry service
..clean my room

WELL DONE for the three "duties"

now.. let's see the next to-do list :
...meet a friend --> POSTPONED --> diganti sama : facebook-ing gag jelas mpe siang :(
..teach --> POSTPONED into after maghrib because of miscommunication :( --> diganti sama go to cinema, watchin' STAR TREK :D
..attend "semalam suntuk" --> FAILED --> karena jadwal ngajar yang seharusnya siang hari bergeser ke after maghrib untill drop.. eh gag sich.. after maghrib until 9 p.m

keruwetan jadwal hari ini membuatku kudu belajar lebih rapi n lebih taat sama aturan yang ku buat sendiri.. self-regulating.. :)
at least, ada berkah yang ku ambil hari ini : ternyata film star trek lumayan juga.. meskipin berawal dari ketidaksengajaan n spontaneously act, ternyata justru itulah yang membuat hidup jadi sedikit bervariasi. tak melulu menjalani rutinitas.. satu dua aktivitas out of sched is not mattered sometimes for the sake of spontaneous life.. :)
spontaneous deeds are crucial enough to keep us alive. don't believe it? just try it. it won't harm you. think out of box. do out of routine.

have you been spontaneous lately?

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