
ketika perubahan terjadi (secara) mendadak, kenapa akhirnya hanya keburukan-keburukanku saja yang terlihat jelas?
suatu pertanyaan yang sekarang terngiang-ngiang di kepalaku.
why? why?

tears... as always defined as sadness, and i do feel it now..
tears drop.. but not a physical drop, psychologically drop in the deepest part of my heart. i often questioned why do THEY just see my negative view when everything's not happening as they plan? it's me the one who is guilty for their unwillingness to accept reality. and it's me who have to pay all undemanded changes.
oh Gosh, this is life, i know.. it supposed to be easy for me to recognize all negative attacks in front of me.. and i have to make a great shelter to protect my self from a greater hollow.. sorrow..
these tears inside just show me that i'm only an ordinary being.. whatever, i need God to relieve this pain..
if i want, i'll hate everybody who backstabbing, gossiping, or talking negative 'bout me. i can mock them back, or backstab them back, but what for? it'll make no difference between me (the educated one) and them (the uneducated ones).
i don't wanna hate someone. cuz life of a hater is just the life of the pitiest creature on earth.. so, why hating? :)

tears.... please making friend with me...
please be cooperative and just drop when i'm already engaged to a firm principle of mine, to stand up and be tough!

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